Why/how is the lottery haram?

Question by SMH: Why/how is the lottery haram?
i was just wondering how the lottery is haram? you and a million others buy a ticket, and one of you have a chance of willing big money. how is that gambling/haram?
*winning not willing
yeah, that makes sense. thank you ruchjat.

Best answer:

Answer by s
The money is not earned.
You putting money on gusting line. It is not sure you will winn it.

In many istances one loose much more before he gets any thing what so ever!

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6 Responses to “Why/how is the lottery haram?”

  1. Lottery including in gambling is haram in Islam because we should earn income/wealth through hard efforts in a halal way while lottery is not a halal way and without hard efforts Besides that a winner in a lottery will hurt so many people who lose who involve in the lottery program. Haram money would not be blessed by Allah so it will be consumed very fast

  2. It is a game of chance cause you don’t know whether you are going to win or lose. You are putting your halaal money on the line in order to see if there’s a chance to turn it into more money. This is gambling and gambling is haraam. So the money you win from the lottery will be haraam wealth.

  3. It’s gambling and it’s a game of chance.

  4. How is it gambling? Seriously?

  5. someone put it to me this way
    suppose a million gives charity in agreement that one would get all of it if his chosen number is selected, would that be gambling?
    gambling is haram because it is a game of chance, but lottery is a game of no chance.

    I was dumbfounded.
    I just noticed that many people who buy lottery tickets are the low income earners or the unemployed.
    Little money they put in lottery daily is not charity to me anymore but a vice

  6. As a Christian I know there is no Biblical basis why gambling is a sin. Gambling involves an element of risk. Ultimately, you are putting your faith in something other than God for the outcome. Therein lies the foundation of why gambling is a sin. Instead of trusting God, instead of putting your faith in God, you have chosen to put your faith in luck. You are hoping to beat the odds and it is putting your hope and faith in something other than God that makes gambling a sin. Let me outline for you three additional reasons why gambling is a sin.

    First, it can cause you to lose sight of your priorities. Never forget, anytime something is more important than the Lord in your life, it is a sin. We are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and He MUST be our first priority at all times. Second, it can be a poor use of God’s resources that He has entrusted to you. Many people I have counseled are in financial difficulties, not because they have not been blessed by God, but because they have misused and mishandled their blessing. Lastly, it can be a stumblingblock to your brother or sister. Many people have a compulsive nature, could end up in total bondage to gambling. So while it may not be a problem in your life, your involvement may cause someone else to have a problem with gambling.

    Let me make an important point. When I talk about gambling, I am referring to the lottery, sports gambling, casino games, private card games, but I am also talking about the financial markets. Having been involved heavily in the financial markets in the 80’s, I can tell you that many people use the word investing, when in fact they are literally gambling. When you are taking a financial position in the outcome of something that is unknown, that is gambling no matter what words you want to use. You have as much control over the stock price of a particular company as you do over the performance of your favorite football team.

    This is NOT an indictment against having stocks and bonds. Prudent, reasoned, well strategized investment plans are encouraged in God’s Word. I am talking about those who are simply rolling the dice hoping to get lucky in the stock market.

    The Bible teaches us to be wise stewards with the resources God has entrusted to us. I am a strong advocate of investing a portion of our resources in well researched, fundamentally sound opportunities that have the real potential of giving us a reasonable return. That is wise use of God’s money. God encourages this type of prudent investing. The line is crossed into gambling when you are just “hoping to be right,” or entering into a situation with greed as your motive. No prayer, no research, simply taking a chance you might win. For the above outlined reasons, that is a sin my friend.


    Apostolic Believer In One God, Jesus

    Degree in History (focus Jewish studies) and Spanish, New Mexico State U. 1990

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